Monday, October 11, 2010

"Hot Chicks Eat Burgers"


Audrina Patridge is a very good looking woman in her mid twenties, from a popular show called “The Hills”. Here Carl’s Jr. is using her as their model, giving false advertisement that hot chicks eat burgers. The ad is trying to give the viewers numerous promises on why they should go out and purchase one of their burgers. It gives the viewers a sense that since Audrina is so good looking and with a body like hers. In order to look like her you must eat a burger from Carl’s Jr. The ad also portrays that the viewers shouldn’t have any concerns about gaining any type of weight, because if a celebrity like her can maintain a nice body after eating a burger, so can you. Sure you can maintain a body like Audrina’s even after eating a burger. In this case only if you work out on a day to day basis and take care of your body. That is what Carl’s Jr. is not mentioning to their viewers. It also gives the viewers a sex appeal tease, to be realistic who really eats a burger on the beach in a very sexy bikini? In a man’s perspective it gives them the urge to get up and go get a burger from Carl’s Jr. How do I know this? I asked my boyfriend, and he said, “She sure makes the burger look good to eat!”. Carl’s Jr. knows that if they have a sexy celebrity eating their burgers, their sales in burgers will increase. They also lead woman to think that, if they were to sit on a beach in their bikinis eating a Carl’s Jr. burger it may attract men towards them. Just like how Audrina is attracting numerous viewers from her posture and image while eating their burger. Altogether, I think Carl’s Jr. hidden message in this ad is that Audrina Patridge is hot and she’s eating our burger. So if you want to be hot like her, go get yourself one of our burgers!

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